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Tutte le foto Rassegna Stampa Foto con Mik Foto con Dani Foto con Roby Foto con Ste

The public at first videoconcert

When we mean Videoconcert


Our tshirt






The Videoconcert from the back


Mik playing the flute

Carlo and Gio working in the background...

Ant rulez


Godzilla on the stage...

Group photo after the show

'Il Nuovo Levante'
7 settembre 2007

'Il Secolo XIX'
7 settembre 2007

'Il Secolo XIX'
8 agosto 2007

Ste recording Yiihah from Cowboy (VIDEO)

Agosto 2006 - Genoa

Concert in Genoa

The crazy public in Genoa


Dani the guitarist

Ste the drummer

July 2006 - Roby and Ste

July 2006 - Mik in effort

July 2006 - Roby playing...

July 2006 - Mik singing...

The atmosphere gets hot and someone starts dancing!

Best friends!

Our sound engineer

Together, with the newcomer Betty

Miki's got temperature...

Miròs are gonna play here!

Tracce di Musica 2003

Tracce di Musica 2003

Tracce di Musica 2003

Tracce di Musica 2003

Tracce di Musica 2003

Tracce di Musica 2003

Tracce di Musica 2003: (VIDEO 1.1 Mb)

Miki parks

Tracce di Musica 2003

Tracce di Musica 2003

Our groupie

Our groupie

The public (15.4.2003)

Mirò at SudEst Hotel (15.4.2003)

Mirò in the concert of 18th oct 2002

The same concert (18th oct 2002)

Mik in the concert of 18th oct 2002

Miki in the concert of 18th oct 2002

Roby in the concert of 18th oct 2002

Roby in the concert of 18th oct 2002


The song Delirium signed from Alex Baroni, famous italian singer


First page on

The tour in Arabia!

the drummer

The bass player!

The cover of our next single!

Our new place!

Robby, Miki and Mik on the Apocalypse Day at Santa Margherita: when we had a concert for Noah and his ship…

Mounting back the stage after Apocalypse

At least, a beautiful rainbow

The ad of the concert

The article (italian) about the concert

The complete group at last summer's Tracce di Musica, here at B. Acquarone centre.

From left: Miki destroying drums, Marco playing guitar, Robby playing bass, Mik singing.

Mik feet on the stage…


the Ankh

A young Mik interviewed before the performance

The first public concert of MiRò, march 1998!

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